Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Course materials

In a change of plans to help keep the cost down the required books are no longer, well, required. The "Visual Quick Project: Publishing a Blog with Blogger" manual is apparently somewhat out of date with the recently improved Blogger software. Using Blogger myself just today I'm sure that everyone will have the basics down in no time, without need of a walk through as it's rather self-explanatory. The other title, "Self-Editing for Fiction Writers" (2nd edition) by Renni Browne and Dave King is also not required and the relevant sections will be photocopied for the class. But it is only $13.95 in the MATC Bookstore and John highly recommends it to fiction writers.

It also might be handy to have a flash drive, which are fairly close to dirt cheap these days. And a notebook and writing instrument usually aren't the worst idea for a writing course, even one that uses computers a lot.

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