Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dredging up memories

Even a quick, cursory sifting through of boxes upon boxes of old photos raises a lot of mixed emotions, simply because there is so much there of a wide variety. But they are so very important, as with their loss I would lose any chance of regaining knowledge of certain moments of my life. There are probably key insights I could gain about myself, which seems quite worthwhile. Each one contains something probably quite elusive. Perhaps thinking and writing would work well for this kind of discovering, which I hope to do.

A quote shared in class:
Poetry is the clear expression of mixed feelings. -W.H. Auden
upon which the instructor added:
So is short fiction. - J.G. Galligan
They can do what other things can not, doing more with less.

As we try to write scenes it is crucial to have the scenes we choose, emphasis on choose, to elaborate on be ones that tell a lot in a small, intimate space. With only five hundred words you must summarize the stuff that doesn't show much. It's a hard task and will take a lot of thought and analysis and good deal of practice.

I intensely look forward to untangling myself, if that is even possible. I don't know what I'll find but the search is on. Something about a pony.

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