Thursday, June 7, 2007


the shoulder helper(s?)
whispered commands from left and right
litter! no, recycle!

I want to extend this one to have lots of lines like the last one in the haiku about, with lines of aligned 'L' words and 'R' words, the L's being on the side of not-so-good thoughts and the R's responding with more prudent and prudish suggestions.


Chan said...

hello...I`m Natacha...and I found your blog just do it click in "next blog"...I live in Chile, and...I don`t know, I just wanna post you because I think is intersting met someone of other country...sorry if my enshlis isn`t good...

All Blog Spots said...

nice blog

Anthropositor said...

Well Michael,
It is laudable that you are a student and intend to continue in your quest for knowledge for a long time.

Haiku is a quite rigid and challenging art form. And since haiku is meant to be at least in part amusement, and is often obscure before digestion, the poetic form is perhaps worth some transient attention.

But haiku is highly structured, as for example limericks are.

Your second line violates the rigid haiku structure by one glaring syllable.

My advice for you at this point is to stay loose. By all means, read Shakespeare sonnets and plays. And you certainly can't go wrong studying poetry with rhyme and meter which is more natural to the English tongue, like iambic pentameter. A good example would be Oscar Wilde's "Ballad of Reading Gaol."

And don't just read them. Read them out loud. And read them with the drama they deserve! Rehearse them until you are good at it.

Then you will not only be a better writer; you will be an actor as well. I have never known a good writer without an excellent sense of the dramatic.

And be sure to show these remarks to your writing instructor. After all, what the hell do I know?

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